Henry the Ghost

Bandera Ghost

Whether you are a ghost hunter, love the Supernatural, or like to celebrate Halloween all year round, you are in for a spooky treat when you visit the Bandera General Store.  We have a special friend named Henry. Oh, and by the way, he’s a ghost!

Henry has graced us with so many ghostly encounters over the years, but here are some of our favorite ones:

  • Blew Hot breath on owner’s neck.
  • Spoke to owner, asking “what are you doing here?”
  • Played Christmas Music throughout the store late one night while the owner ran an embroidery machine. the music actually came from a closed Christmas book sitting on the shelf.
  • Early one morning, when the owner was opening the store, a musical, battery operated bottle opener, (which had been broken for months), began playing a song about “Cervesa, Por Favor…”
  • When two employees were talking negatively about men, a heart shaped ceiling fan pull blew across the store.
  • When two customers were browsing, they witnessed a picture flying across the back of the store. The picture was of a cowgirl bathing in a tub.

Even More Encounters:

  • The front door bell rings when no one is coming in the door.
  • Cowbells ring when no one is around them. These were for sale and stationed around the store.
  • Regularly knocks Knick-knacks off the soda fountain late at night. We find them in the morning when we open.
  • While the owner was being interviewed about ghost tales, an apparition talked to the newspaper reporter. She was a skeptic, but, not anymore. Freaked her out!!!
  • While telling ghostly tales at the soda fountain, the bell over the entry door rang with no one entering. The customer swore we had a string behind the counter pulling the bell. He searched…No String.

So, when you are in Bandera, stop by our store and get some gifts. Who knows, Henry may even greet you or play you a song!

bandera ghost